Your life is basically a storyline of occurrences and events that you experience throughout your lifetime, just like any movie with a narrative. However, unlike watching a film with a predetermined storyline in the movie theater, you actually have the ability to change the storyline of your life. You have the power to determine what happens by making choices to take specific actions that bring about certain results. 

This way of looking at life was what helped me to grow into a successful entrepreneur who is now looking to help others achieve the same high level of success and satisfaction. Basically, I thought of my own life as a movie in which I was the star. I determined how the narrative of my life story develops. Whether I succeeded or failed was entirely up to me since I was both the script writer and the protagonist. 

I projected this point of view onto everything I encountered in my life and every endeavor I have taken on. This gave me the determination, clarity and mindset that was necessary for me to achieve success as a businessman as well as in every other aspect of my life. 

Since I was the scriptwriter of the movie of my life story, I already knew where the narrative was leading to which was that I would be successful as an entrepreneur. I have known this ever since I was a young kid. I couldn’t tell you how it would happen, but I had decided that it was going to become reality. 

This allowed me to not let excuses hold me back and get in the way of my goals. I knew what I wanted, and nothing was going to stop me. I did not let my family history, my socioeconomic background or anything else shape who I was and what I did. Now, don’t get me wrong. My parents were great and instilled in me a strong work ethic. They taught me many valuable lessons which are still useful to my life today. 

However, my parents did not look outside of their own limitations to see what more was waiting for them. I believe this was partially the cause of my parents not living up to their full potential and never reaching financial freedom. I was determined to break this cycle of financial dependency and uncertainty through my pursuit to become a successful entrepreneur. 

This financial freedom became my personal quest just like those movies where the hero is fighting to save the planet or capture the bad guys. However, just like the star of a Hollywood movie, I encountered challenges in my life. These challenges allowed the main character of my life story to grow and develop new skills and a deeper understanding of the world around him. Eventually, through dogged perseverance and smart decisions I was able to finally attain the success and true happiness in my life that I had always wanted. 

Now, with this experience I want to help you craft your storyline and help the main character of the movie of your life story reach success. 

Who is the star of your movie? How does it end? All of this is entirely up to you, and I want to help you understand this, realize this, and then put it into action in your own life. 

All the best, 

Joe Berardy
Ideas2Action Entrepreneurial Course