Just simply having an idea does not mean it will come to fruition in real life. This is true for many aspects of life. It is especially true when it comes to succeeding in the world of business. Of course, having a good idea is essential in launching a successful enterprise. 

But are you the type of person to have a ton of good ideas but none of them ever seem to get done or pay off? Do you lack enough drive and motivation to get started and see a business idea through? Are you a serial entrepreneur? You can have all of the great ideas in the world, but it will mean nothing in the real world of business if you never actually go out and execute. 

As the saying goes, you are either skipping stones or breaking bones. What this means is that either you are just coming up with ideas that will make a momentary splash and sink away into the lake to be forgotten or you are out fighting for your dream to make it a reality. Which one do you want to be? 

I think most people would choose breaking bones over skipping stones. That means you will have to get into the mindset of understanding that nothing will happen automatically and that it will take plenty of hard work to make your dream of a successful business a reality. Find out what it takes to reach your goal. Figure out the exact steps and actions that will need to be taken. Then, examine what activities you are doing that are enabling you to avoid getting started and put off working towards your goals. 

Do you put off getting started on your great idea to watch TV? Or maybe you like to play video games to avoid working on your business? Do you sleep in too late? There is no need to feel shame. These are things that most people do to procrastinate on their dreams. However, in order to succeed in business and just about anything else in life, you need to be ready to do things that other people are not. 

Now, take all of your great business ideas and analyze them. Start thinking about what it would take for each one to work out and eventually become successful. Do your research and gauge the chances of each one succeeding in the end. Estimate how long each idea will take to achieve success. Find out how much startup money you will need for each idea. Do you think you have the resources necessary? Do you have the time and patience? Do you have the knowledge required? 

Once you have analyzed each idea go with the one with the most reasonable chances for success and just start doing what you need to do. Of course, it will take time to achieve your goals and see your business idea through. That means there is no time to waste. 

Success is never an accident. 

Joe Berardy
Ideas2Action Entrepreneurial Course