It is true that knowledge is important in starting a business. You definitely need to understand the ins and outs of your product and your target market. However, these are usually things that can either be taught to you or that you can teach yourself. On the other hand, many times the key to starting a new successful business is not what you know but it is who you know. 

The reality is it is quite likely that you already have all of the resources you need to achieve success as an entrepreneur. Usually, these resources can be found in your network of personal and familial acquaintances that already exists. I have developed a concept called “peeling life’s onion” which provides you techniques and strategies that allow you to leverage your already-existent network of people to empower your entrepreneurial endeavors. These may be people you went to school with or family members that have leadership positions related to your business in some way. They may be managers of a particular business, or they may own a company you may want to do business with. 

In my own business I was able to leverage my existing network that had naturally developed over the years of me just living my life. One example of this is when I approached the manager of a large company in Hawaii. I was able to schedule a meeting with him because I already knew him from when I was employed at this same company 25 years prior. Also, since I already had a relationship with him I was able to call him directly instead of having to deal with “gatekeepers” such as secretaries and administrative assistants first. 

Of course, just landing the meeting is not enough to win a new customer. You have to offer something of value but first, you need to know what it is that the potential customer needs. In this case I asked this manager to provide me with a list of the items they purchased regularly to allow me to try to source the same products at a lower price and higher quality. This is how I was able to gain one of the biggest and longest-running accounts for our business. Since then, we have done business together for over five years and I have been able to source thousands of orders for just this one account. 

I don’t possess any type of supernatural powers of persuasion or anything like that. In fact, the skills I used to land this large account and achieve success in my business can be learned by just about anybody, including you. I provide you with everything you need to attain the same level of success in your own life and entrepreneurial efforts. My training will outline the strategies and impart the philosophies that I have used myself to grow and develop my international business which I have been operating for over 35 years. 

There really is no time to waste. Success is well within your grasp. Get my complementary eBook “Peeling Life’s Onion” to start and then get in touch with me and let me take your business endeavors to the next level. 

Success is never an accident.

Joe Berardy
Ideas2Action Entrepreneurial Course