Being a successful entrepreneur is indeed a blessing. There are many advantages to building a thriving business. Having financial freedom for yourself is definitely one of the most significant benefits. It is a blessing to be able to have control over your own destiny. Even on a daily basis, it is wonderful to be able to have control over your schedule and feel the satisfaction of having built a thriving business through your own hard work. 

On the other hand, reaching financial freedom through entrepreneurship not only allows you to have a higher quality of life for yourself but it can also empower you to help your family achieve the same level of success and happiness. Now, this does not mean just simply giving out money in the form of a handout. Although this can be gratifying to you personally and could possibly provide some very short-term benefit to your loved ones, it will do little for your loved ones in the long-term. 

What happens when you do this is that you create a sense of entitlement from the receiver of your generosity. Doing so may keep some people from ever attempting to learn to be self-sufficient. And, of course, this is logical in a certain sense. Why would they bother to learn any new skills or expand their knowledge if somebody is just going to hand them money for doing nothing? In the long run you may actually be doing them a disservice. Instead of encouraging a sense of entitlement you should think about creating incentive for them to learn, grow and expand. This is what being a successful entrepreneur allows you to do for your family and loved ones. 

When you have control over your finances and your business you will find yourself attracting many different types of opportunities. This can put you in a position where you will be able to bless your family with opportunities they would not otherwise have. My wife and I view having our own successful business in this way. 

Our business had dealings internationally which included the Philippines, China, and various other places in Asia. My wife who is originally from the Philippines was able to provide her family back home with opportunities which prompted them to learn new skills, expand their knowledge and increase their business experience. Instead of simply a handout, which would create a sense of entitlement, we were providing them an incentive to better themselves in order to fulfill the necessary tasks for the opportunities we were providing them. 

Of course, since they were exchanging their skills and effort for what we needed to further our own business endeavors, it turned out to be a win-win situation for all involved. This is probably the most beautiful part of the whole thing. 

And now I am looking to help even more people become successful in their business just like I have been. My mission now is to empower others by imparting the business and life lessons in my journey to becoming a successful entrepreneur. 

Opportunity will knock. It is up to you to answer the door and let opportunity into your life. 

Success is never an accident. 

Joe Berardy
Ideas2Action Entrepreneurial Course