Going into business certainly requires many things. One of these requirements is usually money which is needed to pay for certain expenses to get your enterprise off the ground. These costs for starting up may include things such as supplies, products, advertising and more.
This is why many people may think that you actually need money before you can start making money. In many ways this can be quite disempowering since if you had plenty of money you would not need to make more money. This basically turns into an unsolvable puzzle that your own mind has created and will keep you from ever taking that first step of realizing your dream of operating your own successful business.
If you are one of the many people that believe this, I invite you to reconsider this assumption. Things may not be as out of reach as you think. Many times, it just comes down to your point of view and being able to see things from different angles.
I started to understand this at the tender young age of 4 years old. At this time, I thought glass bottles were made for breaking and nothing more than that. But then, my mother told me that we could bring the glass bottles to the recycling center and receive 3 cents per bottle if they were unbroken. Given this information, my young brain realized that if I saved the bottles and then brought them to be recycled, I could save enough to buy some candy.
The moral of the story is that you may not really need money before you can start making money. What you really need is the opportunity to make money. You must foster your ability to recognize when an opportunity is present. After all, it is not really the money you need to start your business, but in fact, it is the things that money can buy that will allow you to start your entrepreneurial venture.
The existing network of people you currently have relationships with may provide you with the resources you need without having to spend a dime. There may be many three-penny opportunities right underneath your nose that you are just not aware of because you have already decided that you need money first before you can do anything. Although this may be true for some circumstances, it is not a given. Many times, your own creativity and persistence can generate what it is you need to get your business off the ground.
Once you have changed your mindset to see opportunities everywhere, you may suddenly find that starting your business is not as difficult as you had previously believed. Many times, it is not what you do not have which is limiting you, but it is your inability to realize what you already have available to you.
My book, Peeling Life’s Onion, is designed to help you see the opportunities that are right in front of you. Click here or on the title above and download your free copy today to start realizing your full potential for success.
Success is never an accident.
Joe Berardy
Ideas2Action Entrepreneurial Course