I remember the day I decided that I wanted to change. I wanted to make a physical change in my life. I looked at myself in the mirror and at the age of 53, I wasn’t happy with what I saw. I wasn’t the person I mentally thought I was. What we see when we look in the mirror basically reflects the sum total effort of everything, we have done with our lives up to that point. At that point, I decided, wow I was not happy with what I saw. So, I decided that it was time to change. And if I wasn’t going to affect that change, then it wasn’t going to happen for me. 

You see, we own our destiny. We have to realize that all change must come from within ourselves. You have to believe that poverty and middle class is not your birthright. That is your social economic situation or your physical self. You’re not meant to be overweight. You’re not meant to be unhealthy. You were given a body more or less perfect in the beginning and over time you allowed it to get out of shape and become sickly. Yeah, there are some things that work against you that aren’t in your control, but I would say 95% of everything is self-inflicted. 

You have to realize that you can make the choice. You can choose optimal health. You can choose to find the best physical version of you. You don’t have to accept the flawed theory that what you are today is where you have to be for the rest of your life. I didn’t. I looked at where I was, and I said, “I need change and I’ll find a way to make that change”. So, I did. 

It was a concerted effort with my family. It was progress. It was painful. I had to do things that I didn’t want to do. But I did. And so can you.